An Assessment of Enterprise Dynamics of Women Street Food Vendors in Urban Informal Settlements: The Case of Mukuru Kwa Reuben, Nairobi, Kenya
December 13, 2024
— Master’s Thesis — The informal food sector is big and persistent in sub-Saharan Africa and provides employment and livelihood opportunities to a large proportion of urban residents. Although feminization of the informal food sector has been recognized, its gendered dimensions have not been fully understood. Most studies have focused on both male and female food vendors with less attention given…
Impact of Online Food Purchasing on Urban Household Dietary Quality
September 18, 2024
— Master’s Thesis — The transition and upgrading of grain security to food security, it is the deepening of China’s food security policy in the new era, as well as an important area of safeguarding and improving people’s livelihood. With the rapid socio-economic development leading to the increasingly diversified food consumption needs of residents, the importance of food consumption structure and…
The Impact of Spatial Distribution for “New Retail” Fresh Food Outlets on Urban Household Dietary Diversity
September 18, 2024
— Master’s Thesis — With the support of national policies and the active participation of relevant enterprises, China’s new retail industry has grown rapidly and become one of the largest retail markets in the world. The combination of the new retail model and the fresh retail industry has given birth to a new way of purchasing fresh food, which has had…
The Evolving Role of Social Media in Food Remitting: Evidence from Zimbabwean Migrants in Cape Town, South Africa
February 18, 2024
— PhD Thesis — In the global South, food remittances play a significant role in the food and nutrition security of many households, especially low-income families. However, in the last two decades, debates and research on migration, remittances, and development have primarily focused on cash transfers. Non-cash remittances such as food transfers have received limited attention. The bias of being…
Remittances, Household Food Security, and Entrepreneurship Development: A Case Study of Mzuzu, Malawi
March 16, 2023
— PhD Thesis — With the substantial increase in migrant remittances to developing countries since the 1990s, there is a growing interest in migration and development among academics and development practitioners. Remittances, if channelled as investments into income-generating activities (IGAs), can be a crucial source of development finance to improve people’s livelihoods from the bottom up. In the context of…
Xenophobic citizenship, unsettling space, and constraining borders: Assembling refugee exclusion in South Africa’s everyday
January 31, 2023
— PhD Thesis — This dissertation investigates how myriad actors, including the state, citizens, civil society, refugees, and the media, intersect to shape refugee experiences in urban centers in South Africa. Building on six months of ethnographic fieldwork, it focuses on refugee lived experiences in this context to determine the actors, their relations, processes, and factors that condition refugees’ everyday…