
MiFOOD partner organizes workshop on Global Foodscapes: Transnational Pathways of Food and Migration In and Out of Asia

MiFOOD partner at National University of Singapore and Asia Research Institute organizes workshop on "Global Foodscapes: Transnational Pathways of Food and Migration In and Out of Asia". This workshop is ...

R2 Project Planning Meeting Sets Strategic Direction for Research on Remittances, Food Security, and Climate Resilience

The Remitting for Resilience (R2) Project convened its Planning Meeting from February 18 to 21, 2025 in Cape Town, bringing together project leaders, researchers, and key stakeholders. The meeting served ...

R2 Project Inception Workshop held in Cape Town Explores Remittances, Food Security, and Climate Resilience

The Remitting for Resilience (R2) Project successfully held its Inception Workshop at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) on February 17, 2025, bringing together leading researchers, policymakers, and development ...

Virtual policy engagement workshop held to discuss gendered impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the informal food sector in Montego Bay, Jamaica

As part of the Women Feeding Cities Project, the MiFOOD team in Jamaica organized a virtual Policy Engagement Workshop (PEW) to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ...

Special issue “Cities of Contagion: Pandemic Precarity, Migration, and Food Security in Urban Africa” edited by Jonathan Crush and Zack Ahmed is published in African Human Mobility Review

The special issue "Cities of Contagion: Pandemic Precarity, Migration, and Food Security in Urban Africa" co-edited by MiFOOD Director Jonathan Crush and researcher Zack Ahmed is published in the journal ...

Policy engagement workshops held in Xai-Xai and Maputo, Mozambique to identify challenges facing cross-border traders and food entrepreneurs

The MiFOOD team in Mozambique organized two Policy Engagement Workshops—one in Xai-Xai on August 26, 2024, and another in Maputo on October 30, 2024—as part of the Women Feeding Cities ...

Women Feeding Cities project stakeholder workshop held in Ongwediva, Namibia

On October 24, 2024, the Women Feeding Cities (WFC) project convened a stakeholder workshop at the Frank Kavishe Boardroom, JEDS Campus in Ongwediva, bringing together experts and policymakers to discuss ...

MiFOOD and IIMAD celebrate World Food Day with webinar on migration and food security

MiFOOD and IIMAD organized a webinar on migration and food security on October 18, 2024 to celebrate the World Food Day. The webinar, chaired by Prof. S. Irudaya Rajan of ...

MiFOOD Network participate in the Migration and Technology: Governance Innovation, Challenges and Future Directions that Leave No One Behind workshop

On October 8, 2024, several members of the MiFOOD Network participated in the Migration and Technology: Governance Innovation, Challenges and Future Directions that Leave No One Behind workshop at the ...

MiFOOD team in Ecuador initiates “Manos Al Huerto” (Gardening Together) project

MiFOOD team in Ecuador initiates its "Manos Al Huerto" (Gardening Together) project by installing an irrigation system together with migrants from Venezuela and Colombia at the Foundation Nuestros Jovenes in ...

MiFOOD team in Ecuador launches recipe and oral history project “Wisdom and Flavours that Migrate”

MiFOOD team in Ecuador launches work for its Recipe and Oral History project "Sabores y Saberes que Migran"  (Wisdom and flavours that migrate). This project is one of the outputs ...

Team members of the Women Feeding Cities project attend the Mid-term Forum of NFRF-2022

More than 10 members of the Women Feeding Cities (WFC) project attended the Mid-term Forum of NFRF-2022 on September 12-13, 2024. Dr. Sujata Ramachandran presented, on behalf of the project, ...

MiFOOD Conversations is launched

The MiFOOD Network launches its new AI-assisted podcast series exploring the latest global research on migration and food security. Tune in to MiFOOD Conversations: Global Perspectives on Migration and Food ...

MiFOOD researchers publish new paper on migrant remittances during the COVID-19 pandemic

MiFOOD director Jonathan Crush coauthored a paper with team member Godfrey Tawodzera from the University of the Western Cape about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant remittances. The ...

MiFOOD researcher Zack Ahmed addresses global audience at HLPF side event on the food security and nutrition in the world

Zack Ahmed, a PhD candidate in Global Governance and a researcher on migration and food security with MiFOOD Network, recently represented BSIA and the World Food Forum (WFF) at a high-profile side event ...

MiFOOD partner in India reveals findings of migration trends in Kerala Migration Survey

Prof. S. Irudaya Rajan, the lead of the MiFOOD team in India, has unveiled findings from the Kerala Migration Survey 2023, conducted by the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation ...

New Project on Migration and Climate Adaptation

The MiFOOD Network and the Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP) are delighted to announce the award of a new three-year project grant by the Government of Canada through the New Frontiers ...

MiFOOD researchers in Singapore publish new paper on migrant domestic workers and transnational foodcare chains

MiFOOD researchers in Singapore publish a new paper titled "Migrant domestic workers and transnational foodcare chains in pandemic times" in the journal Geographical Research. Drawing on migrant women’s experiences during ...

MiFOOD team presents research findings at the 25th SALISES Conference in Jamaica

The MiFOOD team attended the 25th SALISES Conference at the University of the West Indies Mona campus in Kingston, Jamaica from May 1 to May 3, 2024. The conference entitled ...

MiFOOD researchers contribute to newly published “Research Handbook on Migration, Gender, and COVID-19”

MiFOOD researchers contribute to the newly published book "Research Handbook on Migration, Gender and COVID-19" that investigates the immediate and longer-term implications of the pandemic on gender dynamics and roles ...

MiFOOD team in Ecuador organized the workshop and photo exhibit “Migration and Food (In)Security: Resilient Narratives and Post-pandemic Memory”

The MiFOOD team in Ecuador organized the workshop and photo exhibit "Migration and Food (In)Security: Resilient Narratives and Post-pandemic Memory". The project team presented the results from the first year ...

The MiFOOD website is officially launched

On Feb 21, 2024, the MiFOOD network launched its new website The Director of MiFOOD, Prof. Jonathan Crush and research manager Zhenzhong Si gave an overview of the MiFOOD ...

MiFOOD Team Leader, Professor S Irudaya Rajan, edits Special Issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies on return migration to South and South East Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic

MiFOOD Team Leader, Professor S Irudaya Rajan, edits Special Issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies on return migration to South and South East Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This special ...

MiFOOD network and the Women Feeding Cities project jointly host a workshop with the University of Namibia in Windhoek on October 16, 2023

The MiFOOD network and the Women Feeding Cities project jointly host a workshop with the University of Namibia in Windhoek on October 16, 2023. The workshop titled “After the Pandemic: ...

MiFOOD co-hosted the International Symposium on Migration and Mobilities with University of the Western Cape and the Migration and Mobilities Interdisciplinary Collective in Africa (MMICA)

MiFOOD co-hosted the International Symposium on Migration and Mobilities with University of the Western Cape and the Migration and Mobilities Interdisciplinary Collective in Africa (MMICA) from October 12th to 13th, 2023. ...

MiFOOD held workshop “Migration, Food Security and Crisis Management in the Gulf”

The MiFOOD workshop Migration, Food Security and Crisis Management in the Gulf, held in partnership with Hamid Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, featured lead researchers in the field of migration ...

MiFOOD’s Sujata Ramachandran and Jonathan Crush publish commentary on “Food security, equitable development and South–South migration: Towards a research agenda”

MiFOOD's Sujata Ramachandran and Jonathan Crush publish commentary "Food security, equitable development and South–South migration: Towards a research agenda" in the journal International Migration. The commentary reflects on recent policy-related ...

MiFOOD hosts “After the Pandemic: Perspectives on International Migration and Food Insecurity” workshop in Windhoek, Namibia

On October 16th, the MiFOOD team hosts a workshop with colleagues from University of Namibia on “After the Pandemic: Perspectives on International Migration and Food Insecurity”. The half-day workshop features ...

MiFOOD Co-hosts the International Symposium on Migration and Mobilities with University of the Western Cape and the Migration and Mobilities Interdisciplinary Collective in Africa (MMICA)

MiFOOD co-hosts the International Symposium on Migration and Mobilities with University of the Western Cape and the Migration and Mobilities Interdisciplinary Collective in Africa (MMICA) from October 12th to 13th, ...

The MiFOOD network attended conference of the Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS)

The Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP) and the MiFOOD Project recently participated in the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS) at York University, Toronto. This event was ...
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