Land tenure security continues to pose a significant challenge to the sustainability of urban community gardens in global South cities. However, a few studies have explored the mechanisms that urban gardeners employ to facilitate land access and variations in land tenure security arrangements made with land owners in South African cities. This paper employs a mixed-methods research approach involving quantitative and qualitative techniques to examine how urban community gardens access land and land tenure security arrangements thereof. The study is based on questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and observations from 34 urban community food gardens in Cape Town selected through a combination of purposive and snowball sampling methods across selected low-income urban neighbourhoods. The findings reveal that although formalised land tenure security poses a sustainability threat to community gardens, perceived and de facto tenure present equally crucial forms of tenure which could be supported by state actors to promote urban agriculture. Reflecting on past efforts to formalise land tenure security, the article concludes that these efforts have failed due to poor coordination among government departments, and the complex and unclear processes of acquiring land. The paper recommends that while formalising land tenure arrangements may prove to be an effective solution, supporting institutions need to adopt a bottom-up approach to understand the gardener’s needs and build on perceived and de facto land tenure security options to promote the sustainability of community gardening projects.
September 5, 2024
Kanosvamhira, T.P., Tevera, D. Urban community gardens in Cape Town, South Africa: navigating land access and land tenure security. GeoJournal 88, 3105–3120 (2023).
