India is an important country in the international migration processes on the global scale. It functions simultaneously as a country of origin, transit and destination, thus constituting an overlapping “hub” and “hinterland” of migration. India has the largest number of emigrants in the world and is the top receiving country for remittances. It is part of several of the top twenty South-South migration corridors, as source country (India-United Arab Emirates, India-Saudi Arabia, India-Pakistan, India-Oman and India-Kuwait) and destination country (Bangladesh-India and Pakistan-India). Using the UN DESA statistics for 2015, a recent report has noted that India was the destination and source country correspondingly for 52% and 27% of the total cross-border or intra-regional migrations in South Asia.





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IPaSS: Informality, Inclusive Growth and Food Security in Cities of the Global South

This foundation project of the Hungry Cities Partnership is funded by the SSHRC and IDRC under the International Partnerships for Sustainable Societies Program (IPaSS). The project has facilitated the formation of an initial seven-city research and policy network across the Global South linked to researchers at five Canadian universities. The project has embarked on a five-year program of collaborative research on a variety of themes related to inclusive growth and the formal and informal urban food system in the study ...

Food Security at Emerging Urban Spaces in India

An examination of the important public policy issue of contemporary significance of linkages between migration, urbanization and food and nutrition security in India, within the wider context of post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda. The paper responds to the call by Crush (2013, p. 62) to bridge the “massive institutional and substantive disconnect” that currently exists between the two prominent development agendas of migration and food security. The geographic focus of this paper is on the lower echelons of India’s ...


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