Institute for Advanced Studies of Inequalities

Cheryl Martens

Diego Martinez Godoy

Cristen Dávalos

Wilma Freire

Yubari Valero
FLACSO (Facultad Latinoaméricana de Ciencias Sociales)

Myriam Del Carmen Paredes Chauca

Gioconda Herrera
Gioconda Herrera is Professor at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Quito, Ecuador. Her research and publications have revolved around questions about the effects of globalization on social inequalities in Latin America from a gender perspective, for which she has looked at Andean migration to Europe and the United States, especially of women and Indigenous peoples, and also at the migratory returns and circularities that have taken place as a result of the global economic crisis. She currently is investigating the post-deportation life of Indigenous migrants in rural communities of Ecuador, and is part of a comparative research team of eight countries on Venezuelan migration in Latin America. Gioconda was Vice-deputy Academic Director of FLACSO for the period 2014-2016, she was Associate Editor of the Latin American Research Review in the area of Sociology and she was President of the Latin American Studies Association for the period 2020 to 2021.