Centre for Policy Analysis (CPA)

Ines Raimundo
Inês Raimundo is an Associate Professor of human geographer at Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. She is a specialist on migration in Mozambique, including international and transborder dynamics and internal rural-urban mobilities and forced displacements from environmental disasters. In addition, her scholarship makes her a leading policy expert on linkages of food insecurity, gender, poverty, migration policy, and informality in Mozambique. Raimundo has published in Mozambique and internationally in these fields of expertise, where she has been involved in the last 20 years of research.

Ramos Muanamoha
Ramos Muanamoha holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), a Master`s in Demography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) and a Degree in Geography from the Martin-Luther Halle-Wittenberg University (Germany). He has long experience in research, teaching and consultancy in the areas of Human Geography, Demography and Population, in particular with regard to the collection, processing and analysis of demographic and socio-economic data, using quantitative and qualitative methods. His experience, dating back to 1988, includes supervision and participation in several research programs on demographic dynamics and socio-economic development challenges in Mozambique. His special interest is focused on studies on the demographic dynamics and spatial mobility of the population (in particular internal and international migrations) and their relationship with the social and economic development of the local communities in the sending and destination areas, with a focus on the context of globalization.

Rogers Justo Mateus Hansine
Rogers Hansine is a Lecturer and Researcher in the Geography Department from the Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique and post-doctoral researcher at the School of Geography, University College Dublin, Ireland. Under the research project SYNERGI (SociallY INclusive Edible URban Green Infrastrucure), Rogers looks at the Edible Urban Green Infrastructures (UGI) in two Mozambican cities, namely Maputo and Xai-Xai to examine the potential for co-creating socially inclusive (UGI) as a strategy to support food security and climate resilience as well as social inclusion. In the Women Feeding the City Project, Rogers’s research examines the nexus between gender and urban food security in Xai-Xai, a medium size yet rapidly growing city in southern Mozambique. Rogers’s research interest includes urban geography and food security in the context of sub-Saharan Africa; urbanization and climate change; geography of population with focus on population growth, its nature and consequences; population change and sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Ezequiel Alfeu Abrahamo
Ezequiel Abrahamo is a Senior Lecturer of Data Analysis using SPSS at Eduardo Mondlane University where he has been a teacher for over thirty years. Ezequiel holds a PhD in Development and Society. He specializes in measuring and analyzing urban food security and insecurity in the city of Maputo, with a focus on comparative analysis of the levels of food insecurity of households in the seven municipalities of the city of Maputo. His research looks at the interrelationships between food security, gender and households' ability to access food. Abrahamo has contributed various publications in this field.