South-South Migration: Examining the Links Between Food Security and Migration from Ghana to Qatar

Bernard Owusu, Jonathan Crush (Supervisor), Margaret Walton-Roberts, Bruce Frayne, Steffanie Scott (Committee Members), Peter Quartey

This PhD research study aims to contribute to the emerging literature on labour migration from Ghana to the Gulf with a particular focus on Qatar. In particular, the project seeks to 1) understand the role of food insecurity as a driver of migration from Ghana to the Gulf; 2) examine the coping strategies and food security experience of Ghanaian labour migrants in Qatar; and 3) to assess whether and how migrant remittances from Qatar impact household food and nutritional security in Ghana

Organization(s): Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Ghana

Team Members: Bernard Owusu, Jonathan Crush (Supervisor), Margaret Walton-Roberts, Bruce Frayne, Steffanie Scott (Committee Members), Peter Quartey

Funder: Wilfrid Laurier University, SSHRC PG

Featured Country:
Ghana, Qatar

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