Assessing and Mitigating the Food Security Consequences of COVID-19 in Nanjing and Wuhan, China

Taiyang Zhong (PI), Zhenzhong Si, Jonathan Crush (PI), Ning Dai, Steffanie Scott

This project evaluates the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on household food security in Nanjing, China, assess the effectiveness of temporary food security interventions from a multi-stakeholder perspective and develop social and policy measures to mitigate the impacts. The objectives are to: 1) Investigate the immediate food security challenges resulting from China’s quarantine measures, unstable food supply, and fear of food shopping in two COVID-19 affected cities (Wuhan and Nanjing); 2) Compare food security status in Nanjing following the COVID-19 outbreak with baseline data collected through Hungry Cities in 2015; 3) Synthesize and assess policies established for and community response to address food security challenges and promote effective measures by engaging local stakeholders. A sub-theme concerns the links between COVID-19, household food security and migration in Chinese cities.

Organization(s): Nanjing University, Wilfrid Laurier University

Team Members: Taiyang Zhong (PI), Zhenzhong Si, Jonathan Crush (PI), Ning Dai, Steffanie Scott

Funder: New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF)

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