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‘Going to the Supermarket was Hard’: Pandemic Foodscapes and Unsettled Food Practices of Refugees in the Waterloo Region

Sujata Ramachandran, Elizabeth Onyango, Zhenzhong Si, Zack Ahmed, Mercedes Eguiguren, Jonathan Crush and Neil Arya

In this paper, we examine how the ‘new normal’ of pandemic-living transformed the local food environment in Ontario as pandemic foodscapes. Using selected findings from mixed methods research with a small sample of recently resettled refugees in the Waterloo region, we evaluated how these changes affected their grocery shopping and food-sourcing habits. We identify the distinctive ways the pandemic-related restrictions…


Venezuelan Migration and COVID-19 Response Measures in Urban Areas of Ecuador

Cheryl Martens and Taymi Milán

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador, exacerbating their vulnerabilities due to restrictive containment measures, socioeconomic instability, and barriers to healthcare and basic services. This paper examines the intersection of pandemic-related restrictions, migrant precarity, and state responses, highlighting the disproportionate effects on urban Venezuelan migrants. Key challenges included irregular migration pathways, increased food and housing insecurity, exclusion from…


Food Insecurity and the Coping Strategies of West African Migrants in Accra, Ghana

Ralph Armah, Mary B. Setrana, Peter Quartey, Aba Crentsil, Cynthia Addoquaye Tagoe, and Innocent Agbelie

This paper examines the food insecurity experiences and coping strategies of West African migrants in Accra, Ghana, across three periods: pre-COVID-19, during the pandemic, and post-COVID-19. Utilizing a survey of 420 migrants, the study explores the interplay between remittances, socioeconomic factors, and food security. The findings reveal that food insecurity was most severe during the pandemic, with remittances—especially food remittances—offering…


Living Through the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Refugee in Secondary Cities in Canada: The Intersectionality of Immobility, Gender and Food Insecurity

Zhenzhong Si, Zack Ahmed, Sujata Ramachandran, Neil Arya and Jonathan Crush

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and exacerbated the vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees in secondary cities in Canada, where the restrictive food environment and limited resources heightened challenges related to food security. This study investigates how the intersectionality of immobility, gender, and food insecurity shaped the lived experiences of recently resettled Syrian, Somali and Afghanistan refugees in the Waterloo Region, Canada,…


Narratives of Food Consumption and Food Insecurity: Zimbabwean Migrants in Windhoek, Namibia

Godfrey Tawodzera

Decades of interlocking economic and political crisis have generated significant out-migration from Zimbabwe to other countries. Neighbouring countries with relative political stability and better livelihood opportunities, such as Namibia, have witnessed increased inflows of Zimbabweans. While there are studies documenting these movements, far less attention has been paid to the food security of Zimbabwean migrants in other countries. This paper…


Precarity, Food Insecurity, and Migration: The Kerala-Gulf Nexus and Women Domestic Workers

Anand Panamthottam Cherian

Low-skilled Malayali women migrants employed as domestic laborers in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)1 countries navigate a transnational labor system that entrenches gendered hierarchies and structural inequalities. Ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Kerala and the United Arab Emirates utilizing biographical methods such as life history and oral history reveals that migration, often envisioned as a pathway to economic security, intensifies vulnerabilities through…


Pandemic Shocks and the Food Security of Somali Migrants and Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya

Zack Ahmed, Jonathan Crush and Samuel Owuor

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered severe shocks to food security for marginalized populations in urban areas. Somali migrants and refugees in Nairobi’s Eastleigh neighbourhood faced disproportionate impacts due to strict containment measures, disrupted food supply chains, and the shutdown of informal markets. These disruptions exacerbated existing socio-economic inequities, leading to heightened food insecurity. This paper examines the multi-dimensional effects of the…


Translocal Households, Rural-Urban Links and Migrant Food Security in South Africa

Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera and Maria Salamone

This paper revisits the issue of rural-urban links in post-apartheid South Africa, challenging the assumption that the end of apartheid would lead to rapid urbanization and the dissolution of circular migration. Despite the abolition of influx controls and the significant increase in the urban population from 33% in 1980 to 55% in 2011 among black South Africans, rural-urban ties and…


Male Circular Migration, Rural-Urban and Gender Dynamics, and Food Security in India

Chetan Choithani

This paper examines the ways in which male circular migration as a household livelihood strategy affects food access among rural households in India. Circular male labor migration is the dominant form of labor mobility in many parts of India. This migration pattern creates important rural-urban linkages through income transfers and alters the gender power relations within the migrant-sending households. Drawing…


Invisible Work, Visible Impacts: Gender, Migrants, and Informal Food Trade amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Global South

Laeba Khan

This paper examines the abrupt and far-reaching consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on women engaged in the informal food sector within the Global South. It highlights the deepening effects of the pandemic on food insecurity, gender inequality, and economic disparities. Based on a case study of three groups of women – internal migrants, international migrants, and cross-border traders – engaged…


Pandemic Precarities and Remittance Narratives in the Global South

Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran

The COVID-19 pandemic has been referred to as a great disruptor of global migration leading to a crisis of immobility caused by public health lockdowns, closed borders, and the suspension of visa processing. Layoffs and retrenchments of migrant workers led to widespread hardship and an intensification of pre-pandemic precarity, as well as disrupted remittance channels and flows. Against this backdrop,…


Responses to COVID-19 by Internal Migrants in South African Cities

Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera, Maria Salamone and Zack Ahmed

This paper explores the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on internal migrants in the urban centres of Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa. Focusing on the socio-economic and livelihood challenges faced by this population, the research utilizes a survey conducted in 2023 to investigate how the pandemic exacerbated existing vulnerabilities. Results highlight significant disruptions in employment, increased economic hardship, and heightened…


Food and Health Security among Burmese Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore amid Myanmar’s ‘Triple Crisis’

Brenda Yeoh, Franchesca Morais, Theodora Lam, Kristel Acedera, and Bittiandra Chand Somaiah

Migrating overseas to work as domestic workers is an increasingly important livelihood strategy for capital-poor women in Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar. However, the recent COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest in Myanmar has highlighted the entrenched precarities and uncertainties attached to this migration strategy. The health crisis has further heightened the importance of remittances and food security for migrants…


Enforcement and Exclusion: COVID-19 Policies, Urban Migrants, and Food Insecurity in Pandemic South Africa

Jonathan Crush and Sean Sithole

On March 5th, 2020, South Africa recorded its first official case of COVID-19 when a South African tourist returning from a holiday in northern Italy tested positive. The number of excess deaths is now over 300,000. The policy response to the pandemic is widely regarded as amongst the most draconian in Africa. In 2020, the government imposed a stay-at-home lockdown…


Migrant Remittances, Food Security and Multi-Local Households: Ghanaian Labour Migration to Qatar

Bernard Owusu and Jonathan Crush

This paper investigates the impact of migrant remittances on food security among multi-local households within Ghana and Qatar, focusing on the experiences of Ghanaian labour migrants. Through a mixed-methods approach comprising household surveys in Ghana and in-depth interviews with migrants in Qatar conducted from March to June 2023, the paper explores how remittances influence the food security status of recipient…


Refugee Migration and Urban Food Security: Somali Migrants in Nairobi, Kenya

Zack Ahmed, Jonathan Crush, Samuel Owuor and Elizabeth Onyango

This paper investigates the relationship between refugee migration and urban food security, focusing on Somali migrants in Nairobi, Kenya. Despite the abundance of literature on urban refugees and their economic integration, scant research has addressed their food security challenges. Utilizing a household survey conducted in Nairobi’s Eastleigh neighborhood, the paper explores the levels, determinants, and spatial variations of food security…


Informal Cross-Border Traders and Food Trade during the Pandemic in Zimbabwe

Abel Chikanda

The collapse of Zimbabwe’s economy in the 2000s resulted in the country relying largely on food imports from other countries, especially from South Africa. Informal cross-border traders have become crucial players in the country’s food economy, playing an important role in the importation of food as well as its retail across the country. Cross-border trading also provides employment opportunities to…


COVID-19, Food Insecurity and South Sudanese Urban Refugees in Nairobi and Nakuru, Kenya

Cherie Enns, Samuel Owuor, Abbey Lin, Natasha Knebelow, Jacqueline Fanta, Cobby Achieng, William Kolong and Kristin Swardh

The challenges and struggles of refugees are well documented, mainly within refugee camps. However, more needs to be documented and understood about the exertions and hardships of urban refugees, including the experiences of young South Sudanese urban refugees living in Kenya. Although Kenya is one of the major countries that hosts refugees from South Sudan, it has adopted disparate policies…


Refugee Protection and Food Security in Kampala, Uganda

Andrea M. Brown

This study proposes strategies to better recognize and protect the food security needs of Kampala’s refugee population. Uganda is Africa’s largest refugee host, with a policy approach that has been widely lauded for its flexible settlement provisions and commitment to durable solutions. However, growing refugee populations and underfunding have led to serious pressures, severely exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Food…


South-South Migration, Pandemic Precarity, and the Informal Food Sector in South Africa

Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera

The analysis of COVID-19 pandemic precarity in Africa should focus on the ways in which pre-pandemic migrant vulnerabilities were reconfigured in ways that weakened economic resiliency and reinforced disadvantage. This is the first paper to apply the concept of pandemic precarity to the impact of COVID-19 on migrants working in the informal food sector of African cities. The paper develops…


Evolving Food Security Challenges Facing Internal Migrants during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chinese Cities

Zhenzhong Si and Taiyang Zhong

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly exacerbated the economic, social and political vulnerabilities of internal and international migrants and increased their food insecurity in several cities of the Global South. So far, very little attention has been paid to the dynamics of internal migrants’ food security in urban China since the emergence of the pandemic. Based on the results of an…


International Migration and Food Insecurity in Urban Namibia

Lawrence Kazembe, Godfrey Tawodzera and Ndeyapo Nickanor

Food security and migration have emerged as key development challenges in Namibia. Internal migration, where people move from rural areas to urban centres such as the capital, Windhoek, has been given a great deal of research and policy attention. However, there is a dearth of research on the relationship between international migration and food security in the country. This paper…


Food Insecurity and Irregular Labour Migration from Northern Malawi to South Africa

Anil Dhakal

The factors influencing migration decisions from Malawi to South Africa have changed with the end of contract migration to the mines and the new normal of irregular migration of both men and women to work in other sectors of the South African economy. Food insecurity is now one of the main drivers of migration as migrants seek to earn income…


Supermarkets in Mexico and the Mexico City Metropolitan Area: Logics of Territorial Insertion and Socio-Spatial Inequalities

Guénola Capron, Salomón González Arellano and Linda Moreno

The paper analyzes the logics of expansion and spatial distribution of supermarkets at three scales: global, national (Mexico), and especially metropolitan (Mexico City), from rich to poor spaces and social categories. It seeks to understand how supermarkets, in a country like Mexico where they initially target mainly the middle class, reproduce or mitigate socio-spatial disparities. We conclude that they are…


Rural-Urban Transition and Food Security in India

Chetan Choithani, Abdul Jaleel CP and S Irudaya Rajan

As a growing proportion of world’s population lives in cities and towns, food security is increasingly acquiring an urban character. The locus of food security research and policy agendas has correspondingly expanded from rural areas to include cities and towns in the past few years. However, the dominant discourse on urbanization-food security relationship appears to be shaped by perspectives from…


An Exploratory Study of the Food Security of Displaced Venezuelans in Ecuadorian Cities During COVID-19

Taymi Milan and Cheryl Martens

The displacement of over 7 million Venezuelans is reconfiguring urban contexts in Latin America. Ecuador is the third largest receiving country for Venezuelan migrants. The absence of state migration policies combined with the worsening economic situation across the region has had a significant impact on migrant food security. Although food security and migration have been studied extensively in Latin America,…


Linking Food Security with Development, Inequality and South-South Migration

Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran

In this paper, we draw attention to the ignored linkages between food security, inequality, and development with respect to South-South migration. Building on core arguments reflecting on these ties and empirical studies from diverse sending and receiving contexts, we outline five distinctive ways in which these multidimensional relationships and interactions operate. The first aspect assesses how inequality of opportunities and…


Emerging Digital Technologies and Cross-Border Food Remittances of Zimbabwean Migrants in Cape Town, South Africa, During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic

Sean Sithole, Daniel Tevera and Mulugeta F. Dinbabo

This paper examines the emerging unexplored synergies between digital-mobile technologies and cross-border food remittances in Southern Africa. Cell phones and apps or applications for smart mobile devices offer migrants new formal ways of sending food remittances. With large volumes of cash and non-cash items flowing through it, the South Africa-Zimbabwe remittance corridor is a priority market for these new fintech…


Young People’s Mobilities, Farming Aspirations and Engagements in Northern Ghana

Siera Vercillo and Bruce Frayne

Development policies targeting young people and African agriculture tend to focus on their abandonment of the sector and the need to attract new generations to agricultural activities through its commercialization. This paper points to potential gaps in such interventions by investigating the diverse mobilities, aspirations, and engagements of young people in farming, through a qualitative case study in rural northern…


The SDGs, Migrant Remittances and Food Security in Jamaica

Elizabeth Thomas-Hope

This paper raises questions about the implications of migration for inclusive social development in Kingston, Jamaica. This is based on an assessment of the relationship between remittances and food security at the household level. Emphasis is placed on whether remittances have made a difference in reducing the food insecurity associated with poverty and thus could contribute to inclusive social development….

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