
Migration and Food (In)security During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Quito, Ecuador: A Photovoice Study with Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees

This research brief discusses the interrelationship of these factors, focusing on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the food security of Venezuelan migrants in Quito, Ecuador. This qualitative study uses an intersectional perspective and Photovoice methodology to address the experiences of migrants in three temporalities: before, during, and after the pandemic.

Migration and Food (In)security During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Quito, Ecuador: A Photovoice Study with Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees Read More »

The Food Security of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Families with Children and Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ecuador

This research brief examines the structural challenges faced by Venezuelan migrant families with children and adolescents in accessing food in Quito, Ecuador. Our survey of 788 migrant and refugee families found that the prevalence of informal employment, the unequal distribution of household chores between genders, the breakdown of community and family support networks, as well

The Food Security of Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Families with Children and Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ecuador Read More »

Impacts of COVID-19 Policy Measures on Migration and Food Security in Ecuador

The COVID-19 pandemic had profound effects on Ecuador, exacerbated by pre-existing weaknesses in the public health system, economic austerity policies, and social inequalities. The reliance on containment measures, combined with insufficient social support, resulted in severe economic and social decline. Migrants, already a vulnerable group, were further marginalized during the pandemic, facing exclusion from social

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Beyond Informality: Migrants in the Popular Food Economy in Quito

Drawing on a broad notion of informality, conceptually linked to the category of the popular, this study aims to examine the case of Ecuador, in order to understand how migrants are inserted in the informal food market in Quito. We are interested in establishing a dialogue with the popular economies approach, to interrogate different types

Beyond Informality: Migrants in the Popular Food Economy in Quito Read More »

Assessing and Mitigating the Food Insecurity Consequences of COVID-19 Public Health Measures on Marginalized Refugees and Migrants in Canada, Latin America and Africa

Strategies to mitigate the public health impacts of COVID-19 have led to a secondary pandemic of global food insecurity. Our project will ‘scale up’ our First Round CIHR Grant on the negative impacts of COVID-19 on household food security in Wuhan and Nanjing, China to three additional cities: Quito (Ecuador), Cape Town (South Africa) and

Assessing and Mitigating the Food Insecurity Consequences of COVID-19 Public Health Measures on Marginalized Refugees and Migrants in Canada, Latin America and Africa Read More »

Assessing and Mitigating the Food Security Consequences of COVID-19 in China, Ecuador and South Africa

The proposed research will identify the immediate and longer-term impact of COVID-19 on household food security in cities, and will assess and improve fast-evolving social and policy countermeasures to enhance food security. Our research objectives are to: 1) Investigate the immediate food security challenges resulting from quarantine measures, unstable food supply, and fear of shopping

Assessing and Mitigating the Food Security Consequences of COVID-19 in China, Ecuador and South Africa Read More »

An Exploratory Study of the Food Security of Displaced Venezuelans in Ecuadorian Cities During COVID-19

The displacement of over 7 million Venezuelans is reconfiguring urban contexts in Latin America. Ecuador is the third largest receiving country for Venezuelan migrants. The absence of state migration policies combined with the worsening economic situation across the region has had a significant impact on migrant food security. Although food security and migration have been

An Exploratory Study of the Food Security of Displaced Venezuelans in Ecuadorian Cities During COVID-19 Read More »

Migración en contexto de pandemia: las respuestas políticas en el Ecuador

Venezuelan migration is the largest exodus in the contemporary history of Latin America, characterized by complex issues, including precarious living conditions in Venezuela. Ecuador is a main destination country for Venezuelan migration. Leading up to and during and beyond the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ecuador faces a socioeconomic crisis, limiting its capacity to address

Migración en contexto de pandemia: las respuestas políticas en el Ecuador Read More »

Venezuelan Migration, COVID-19 and Food (In)Security in Urban Areas of Ecuador

The forced migration of nearly 6 million Venezuelans is a global issue that is transforming urban contexts, particularly in Latin America. Ecuador is the third main recipient country of displaced Venezuelans. The lack of State migration policies and the deteriorating economic situation throughout the region have had significant impacts on migrants. While food security and

Venezuelan Migration, COVID-19 and Food (In)Security in Urban Areas of Ecuador Read More »

Assessing and Mitigating the Food Insecurity Consequences of COVID-19 on Marginalized Refugees and Migrants in Quito, Ecuador

The project examines the linkages between food insecurity and migrants, particularly refugees from various origins in the context of Quito, Ecuador. The research project will adopt mixed methods, including a survey, in-depth and key informant interviews, and focus group studies in the city of Quito. More specifically, it examines the levels and determinants of food

Assessing and Mitigating the Food Insecurity Consequences of COVID-19 on Marginalized Refugees and Migrants in Quito, Ecuador Read More »

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